Tahiry Jose on “The Candy” with BlowHipHopTV.com

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A sexy, hard-working model wakes up from a lovely sleep in her beautiful New Jersey home. She lays back, checks the messages on her site, gets fresh and heads out with only herself and a glass of Grand Reserved Merlot on her mind. After enduring a very public break-up in the media she continues to move forward with conviction and determination.

Today, the gift and curse of her emotional solitude has given her an opportunity to embrace being alone, content and excited about her future. All the industry nuisance is almost incomparable to the personal voyage she’s taken on by choosing to remain single and focus solely on her career. Tahiry, has now found genuine confidence in her strength to move forward and regardless of the all the rumors she’s always known at her core, that true, “consistent” beauty... stands alone even within a crowd.

Even if you’re on the world’s strictest diet and rigorously train every day, muscle gains slow down with age. But not for men supplementing with TestRX®. So when your testosterone stops decreasing and starts increasing…

The reason it’s so effective is that when you take ExtenZe®, significantly more blood rushes to the three erectile chambers of the penis. This increased volume means a bigger and harder erection.

Even if you’re on the world’s strictest diet and rigorously train every day, muscle gains slow down with age. But not for men supplementing with TestRX®. So when your testosterone stops decreasing and starts increasing…

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