Bianca Eva

My goal is to become a model/actress. I am 22 years old living in New Orleans, La. Im in college majoring in Criminal Justice minoring in Psychology but Acting and Modeling are my true passions.

I am a bi-racial female mixed with Black, French, Italian, Puerto Rican and Asian, who can pass for several differnt races. I have naturally curly hair which I wear both curly and/or stright. I have a great personality and am fun to be arround.

I am a Driven,Passionate, Hard Working, Dedicated, model/actress seeking photographers and talent agencies as well as producers to work with a talented young lady with all of all the above qualities! Im a natural infornt of the camera. I produce great work and am very photogentic. I am a fast learner and would be a great asset to your company, project, photoshoots, runways and/or gigs!!!