DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12: DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

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Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Issue #29

You are back for Round 2! Congratulations!! Now, what was it like shooting with SHOW magazine for the 2nd time?
I brought shoes and accessories! Sean was happy! Lol!! It was a breeze and I had the chance to wear colorful outfits instead of just sexy black lingerie. Overall, it was a very exciting experience.

Would you recommend that other ladies shoot with SHOW & why?
Yes! Do it! This magazine is open to all ladies of all races, cultures, and creeds. The graphics and the photos are incredible and I am always amazed at how each lady looks like a living doll in the final product.

Since I have some really wonderful fans, I figured I would reach out to them and ask them what they would like to know about me. So here are my flirty and fun answers…xoxo

Fan question from Danny Frost…. Have your big boobs ever helped you out in a tight situation?
Maybe not out of getting speeding tickets from cops but they definitely help when getting them dismissed by a judge. Haha!

Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Issue #29

Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Issue #29

Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Issue #29

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12: DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

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