Lauren Allure @lauren_allure – Interview with IBMM – J. Alex Photos

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You have been on Dynasty Series quite a few times, but this feature is different. Update us on what is new in your career?
he main focus of my career right now is just getting my name out there, not just as an LA model, but worldwide. Focusing on more mainstream roles and features and eventually getting into major acting and music.

How exciting it must have been to play The Game’s wife in his new music video “Or Nah”, can you tell us how that came about and what the experience was like?
The Game video was an amazing experience. Everyone on set was very friendly and welcoming. They really took care of me. It felt like I was just hanging with friends instead of work and that’s how I like it to be. My manager was contacted about the video and informed me I would be playing the games wife and I couldn’t have been more excited.

We seen your fashion spread in Ellements Magazine, that was quite different, what other publications or projects are you working on in the next few months?
Currently we are working on my website, building my portfolio, and perusing major publications. Also pursuing more acting and high fashion roles.

How is being a LA model? How did you come up with this current theme “War Ready”?
Being an LA model is difficult sometimes because everyone wants to be a model or rapper. It can take away from the people who are really serious about the industry. I came up with the current theme ” War Ready” because I believe when you reach a new level, you meet a new devil and me and my team are very much on the rise and I am prepared for the fight ahead.


Laurén Allure, we know that a lot of people forget that accent over the “e”, can you tell how you came up with your modeling name?
My birth name is actually Laurén that’s why I get so upset when people forget the accent or call me Lauren because it is my real name. I got allure because everyone I come in contact with says my aura is very alluring so I came up with Laurén Allure.

We know that you are apart of the IBMM LA division, can you tell us how that has been going for you?
Being with IBMM LA has been the best experience. I’ve worked with a lot of people, but always had issues with professionalism and consistency. With IBMM I don’t have to deal with any of that, they are on top of everything, they stick to their word, are very thorough, and professional.


We see that you are everywhere with Legacy Doll Hair, Melon Cakes, IBMM, and more. We definitely support you and want to see more from you, do you have any last minute thanks & shootouts you would like to give.
I would like to thank my manager King for believing in me, my family for supporting me, and God because without him I would be nothing.

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