As much as we appreciate this round of greatness we’re already looking forward to the next appearance by Tiara @tiaramiami, courtesy of photographer Mike Montoya @montoyaelduro.
Who needs to get a fresh round of payola this week so we keep getting to see more of Jazzy @jazzyluvsyouuh, courtesy of photographer Mike Montoya @montoyaelduro.
Any “after hours” plans you could possibly have need to start with being joined by someone like Nicole Nixx @bodybynixx, courtesy of photographer Mike Montoya @montoyaelduro.
Make sure you’ve taken the time to bless your timeline by following the beautiful Kayci @hellokayci, courtesy of photographer Mike Montoya @montoyaelduro.
There aren’t many things I can think of that wouldn’t be better with a touch of Estefani @fefa_mb x Amanda @amandarossepink, courtesy of photographer Mike Montoya @montoyaelduro.
Let us know if it’s the front or the back view which you appreciate the most from Johana @johanacpv1, courtesy of photographer Mike Montoya @montoyaelduro.
Let us know if it’s the front or the back view which you appreciate the most from Gabriela @mexi.cuban, courtesy of photographer Mike Montoya @montoyaelduro.