If the first glances of snow finally touching down this past week all I wanted to think about is when we’re going back to the Dominican Republic. Take a trip…
At this very moment Egypt Cario @egypt_cario is sitting on a beach in the Dominican Republic waiting to create even more classics, just like her latest with @j_da_photog.
Whoever owns that garage used by Egypt Cario @egypt_cario and James Williams Jr Photography should expect it to be sold out for a few weeks once everyone gets to see…
Make sure you hit up Egypt Cario @egypt_cario and wish her a very Happy Born Day, We always appreciate it when we receive gifts with her latest from @j_da_photog.
You can definitely say I was crushed we didn’t get to put our plans in place with Egypt Cario @egypt_cario this past summer. I still haven’t recovered and you can…