DynastySeries Spotlight: Monica aka Big Red – courtesy of Christian Arias of SlickforceStudio

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Name: Monica aka Big Red
Measurements: 36C-28-43
Website: http://www.xxlmag.com/online/?p=80702
Twitter: http://twitter.com/4ursweettooth
Ethnicity: African American, French-Creole, Indian

How did you first get started in modeling?

Modeling has been a dream of mine since 12 yrs old. I really didn’t begin persuing glamour modeling till I shot for SHOW Web Gem. Since then, I’ve been trying to get my foot in the door!!

What are your biggest assets as a model?

Beyond LOOKS & BODY, (WHICH EVERY MODEL HAS), my “people skills” succeed many expectations. Knowing how to communicate, entertain, charm, & network is the key to lighting up a room. It’s what I’m best at.

Tell me what makes you sexy…

Eyes, lips, and my smile FROM WHAT I’VE BEEN TOLD one too many times!

What are some of the projects you’ve had a chance to be a part of?

Nothing major just yet… Exclusive events & Award shows are what I’ve been apart of so far.

With all the shoots you’ve done, which ones have been your most memorable?

SHOOTING WITH CHRISTIAN ARIAS OF SLICKFORCE STUDIOS! THE BEST SHOOT I’VE EVER HAD!! The entire team was awesome! I’ve never had my make-up done by such a talented artist as Gaby Ramos neither!

What part of your body are you most complimented on?

My legs.. I’m constantly asked what kind of exercises I do to get such defined calves… HONESTLY IT’S ALL NATURAL! LOL.. Genetics is my secret folks! With a little stairmaster here & there =o)

What part do I need to compliment you on to have a chance?

Tell me my smile woke you up this morning, and you’ll be on your way to getting … a few moments of my time. =o)

What’s the easiest thing a guy (hell even a girl..wink wink!) can do to get your attention? And keep it?

MAKE ME LAUGH! I’m a funny person, but it feels good to be around others who can make me cry laughing..

Tell me the sexiest date I can take you on under $50…because we are in a recession lol?

Under $50??? Bowling!! I find them corny shoes somewhat cute! You can even throw in a few beers and still have enough for gas!

If there’s one piece of advice you could give a guy before makes a move, what would it be?

Don’t expect anything. If a WOMAN really wants you, she’ll let you know.

Tell us something about you your mom probably doesn’t want to know..

I’m getting a tattoo in a few months…

For 2010 to be the perfect year, what goals would you need to accomplish?


What other projects will we be seeing you in coming soon?

patience is a virtue.. Follow me on twitter to find out!

And most importantly, how long are we going to have to wait to have you shoot for The Dynasty Series?

A plane ticket away.. LITERALLY..


Best thing about your hometown is…

San Diego has the BEST WEATHER! If it were possible, I’d rather have New Orleans people mixed with San Diego’s weather to make the PERFECT CITY!

I Can Cook…

Louisiana Hotwings, cornbread, Gumbo, and any breakfast food imaginable…

But I’d Rather Eat…

Cooked Sushi rolls with fried shrimp

Favorite Drink…

Arizona Sweet Tea… =o) Favorite DRANK is anything with Malibu Rum in it!

Favorite Movie…


Worst Movie You’ve Ever Been Forced to Watch…

Paranormal Activity

Favorite Album…

Ludacris ‘Battle of the Sexes’

Favorite Cartoon from the 80’s…

Thunder Cats

Best Memory from Highschool…

Band Camp! Marching Band was the s**t back then! lol!

Last time I saw someone naked was…


If you had to rate yourself in bed you’re a…


If you kissed a girl…it’d be…

Stacey Dash…

Guilty Pleasure…

watching others get “freaky”… lol! i’m not a perv though… really!

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