Dynasty Series Spotlight: Heather Feather

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Name: Heather Feather
Measurements: 36c-27-42
City: Albuquerque / Los Angeles
Myspace: http://myspace.com/heatherfeather811
Modelmayhem: http://modelmayhem.comheatherfeather
Facebook: http://facebook.com/heatherfeather
Twitter: http://twitter.com/feather_heather
Ethnicity: French/ Native American



How did you first get started in modeling?

Before I started modeling, I actually did photography. I was shooting a friend when I was like 16 and she asked to take some pics of me. So she did and they came out great! I thought, hey I think I could do this!

What are your biggest assets as a model?

My face and body. I can go from looking very innocent conservative to sultry and naughty. People have said I have the face of an angel and the body of a devil.

Tell me what makes you sexy…

What makes me sexy is the fact that I am REAL. I am not “untouchable” or unapproachable. Even though I have all the glitz and glam in my pics and enjoy being girly..I love to be in just jeans, a tank and some flip flops. I like sports and outdoor activities. If I go camping , I’m not gonna be trying to bring hairspray and makeup. What’s the point? And I won’t cry if I break a nail…but then again it’ll grow back in like a week..lol Basically I can go from girly to not so girly, now to me that is sexy.



What are some of the projects you’ve had a chance to be a part of?

Some of the projects I’ve done are films, tv shows, events, magazines and music videos for foreign artists and more!~ I’ve worked for companies such as Playboy, MTV, Stuff Mag, FHM, Ed Hardy and Benchwarmer to name a few.

With all the shoots you’ve done, which ones have been your most memorable?

The most memorable shoots I have done have got to be the ones under the craziest conditions. Like getting in a creek with tadpoles just to get a good shot, shooting in the ocean during a very COLD November just to have the wet look, a FULL body paint that was very tough to get off. I think there’s more but it would take awhile. I am that model that will do more just to get that great shot.

What part of your body are you most complimented on?

Hmmm… Usually it’s my shape overall, my “thickness”. But one thing that I think has been complimented the most is my smile. In pictures it’s always booty..lol..but in person they seem to love my smile. Which is crazy to me because when I was younger I didn’t like my smile.




What part do I need to compliment you on to have a chance?

Usually when I get complimented on my smile it makes me blush. That’s a god start if you make me blush ;)

What’s the easiest thing a guy (hell even a girl..wink wink!) can do to get your attention? And keep it?

Eye contact is a big thing in my book. And a nice smile makes me melt a little bit. Don’t be too pushy though, that is a HUGE turn off!

Tell me the sexiest date I can take you on under $50…because we are in a recession lol?

I love for a man to cook for me. I love to cook and I know how much work and passion can go into it. I think that is super sexy. Even if it doesn’t turn out perfect ;)


If there’s one piece of advice you could give a guy before makes a move, what would it be?

Don’t come at me with stupid lines, speakin all crazy where I can’t understand you. I’ll just laugh..because they’re funny aren’t they? lol But no really, approach me like a man. I mean, I am a woman who thinks a smart man with confidence is a huge turn on.

Tell us something about you your mom probably doesn’t want to know…

Hmmmm…my family knows almost everything about me. But I would probably say my sexuality.

For 2009 to be the perfect year, what goals would you need to accomplish?

Let’s say 2010… for it to be the perfect year I would like to get published in a couple of magazines if not more. I want me site to be up and running as well as successful. And I would like to like to be a little more healthy in 2010.

What other projects will we be seeing you in coming soon?

I am working on getting my website up. I have a ton of pictures and my fans have been asking me forever. I am trying to build up as much content as I can. But you can definitely expect it to be HOT! Watch for it!~

And most importantly, how long are we going to have to wait to have you shoot for The Dynasty Series?

Ummmmmm….I’m ready when YOU are! ;)~



Best thing about your hometown is…

The diversity of Long Beach is great. I am someone that has friends of all shapes, sizes, colors and cultures. It is hard for me to live in a one race dominated city. I grew up in one and dealt with a lot of ignorant people.

I Can Cook…

Pretty much anything… :) If I don’t know how, then give me a recipe and I’ll make it! I have a passion for cooking. Friends tell me I should cater.

But I’d Rather Eat…

Olive Garden…give me their recipes and I won’t have to..hehe

Favorite Drink…

With or without alcohol? Blueberry Stoli and Cranberry(with)…Flavored teas (without)

Favorite Movie…

Hmm…Natural Born Killers…and I just watched it to the other night, funny. The storyline and filming is crazy!

Worst Movie You’ve Ever Been Forced to Watch…

Oh geez! Where do I start? hehe…Recently I saw Paranormal Activity and was VERY disappointed. The reviews were all so good and it was blown up like crazy. Even though after seeing previews that I didn’t find appealing, I decided to give it a chance. Waste of money! I didn’t jump or scream once..and I am someone that absolutely LOVES horror/scarey movies.

Favorite Album…

Do people have albums anymore? lol. I’m diggin Jasmie Sullivan right now…her stuff is HOT!

Favorite Cartoon from the 80’s…

I don’t have only one..but the ones I watched were like Rainbow Bright, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake…lol…I was very girly as a little girl.

Best Memory from Highschool…

My best memory from high school was being a part of the dance/drill team. I became co-captain my 2nd year. We competed a lot and received first place at almost every single competition we did. Rehearsals were crazy. It was a huge part of my life back then.

Last time I saw someone naked was…

Today! I am always running around half-naked if not fully naked all of the time. Not outside of course..but around my house. If the neighboors looked in they could even see me cleaning in a tank and booty shorts. I cook that way too, but then again I always get hot when I cook. If I can’t take the heat…screw gettin out of the kitchen, I just take my clothes off.

If you had to rate yourself in bed you’re a…

If I had to rate myself in bed it would be a 9 or 10. I am very uninhibited and I love to do what I know a man likes.Yes, including the kinky things. I pay attention and I try new things all of the time. My friends would tell you that I’m a freak..lol

If you kissed a girl…it’d be…

If I kissed a girl it’d be not a surprise at all. I like girls as well as boys. So I am always trying a new hottie’s cherry chapstick ;)

Guilty Pleasure…

Ohmigawd ice cream…I can’t even buy it because I will constantly be thinking about how it’s in the freezer! I do treat myself …I just won’t bring it home! haha

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