Who needs to get a fresh round of payola this week so we keep getting to see more of Sabrina Tutusaus @sabrina.tutusaus, courtesy of photographer Thierry B Photography.
Make sure you don’t have anything to do for the next few hours before enjoying this set of Daniela V @therealdaniev, courtesy of photographer Thierry B Photography.
If you thought you loved her before just wait until you see the latest from Kelly Kurves @kellykurves, courtesy of photographer Thierry B Photography @thierrybphotog.
Anyone have a passport I can borrow so I can head to a tropical paradise with Yung Flower @yungflower_, courtesy of photographer Thierry B Photography.
If you haven’t already done so please get quite familiar with the beautiful Kay Jenkins @kayjenkins.co, courtesy of photographer Thierry B Photography @thierrybphotog.
Any 2021 wish list that we could think of must include Akielia Breonia @akieliabreoniaofficial, with the evidence of why provided by Thierry B Photography.
Your timeline aint right unless it’s getting a daily dose of Divine @whenaqueenspeaksNicole Amato @bodybynixx , courtesy of photographer Thierry B Photography @thierrybphotog.
We knew that you needed some extra motivation to get right, and we have just what you need with Giannina @gianninatv x Taylor @modeltaylork, courtesy of photographer Thierry B Photography.