I have a whole lotta work to do if I plan on catching up to Coco @cocosbadasslife before the summer. [instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCYUX1nOLl/”] [instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRQ9R6n-_C/”]
To send in your nomination for DynastySeries Pic of the Day or Video of the Day, either tag the pic on Instagram with the hashtag #DynastySeriesPOD or send it over…
Ariel Foxx @ariel.foxx seems to be fully prepared for the change in weather and we all appreciate it. [instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxeZyInKhB/?taken-by=ariel.foxx”]
We certainly appreciate Porsche @porscheputa only going with half an outfit. I think we should all petition to get this started as a new trend. [instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BXMPa1eFhjQ/”]
I’ll be damn happy when the last signs of winter are behind us, but until Spring actually arrives at least the consolation can always be seeing more of Arianna @theonlysafarii.
I’ve been waiting for a woman to come into my life that is all about Coke over Pepsi, and I thought that would never happen until Kreamy @igotkreamycakes let me…