Candy Richards also known as “Junk” is best known for appearing on VH-1s Real Chance of Love 2. Though the Stallionaires named her for her well-endowed rear end, Candy proves…
The week is always better when you can start off Monday’s on a good note, and leading off this week with Suelyn is going make the hours to Friday seem…
Batting third in Frank D Photo’s latest series “Rip It Off” is the gorgeous Yolie Monroe, rocking Marilyn as only she could. We threw her into the fire without any…
What can we expect from all brand new A lot of tips about weight loss and nutrition. Natural beauty tips and I will have a section that teaches dance…
Kandy Magazine – Jessica Canizales is a Brazilian Bombshell: As we take a tour of the World of Kandy we made a stop in Brazil and bring you from Brazil…