When you have a shoot with a bunch of bells and whistles, many times its alot easier to pull off. But pulling off simple and sexy isn’t quite as easy,…
Now that I’ve gotten a chance to look all of the pics of Mercedes from the shoot earlier this month in DR, you all should really be excited about what’s…
I’ve never given much thought to reincarnation, but I wouldn’t mind coming back at a pair of Kendra Lachon’s jean. I think I would enjoy that job very much lol.
When you have a shoot with a bunch of bells and whistles, many times its alot easier to pull off. But pulling off simple and sexy isn’t quite as easy,…
If you’re a fan of sexy women with Ink, getting Issue 4 of SkinTight Magazine from TL Glam Studio is a must, featuring cover girls Charlie Pearl and Gypsy Suicide.…
OTBMiami presents to you their second feature from the shores of South Florida featuring newcomer Blue Rodrigues. Follow her on IG http://instagram.com/blue__theunicorn.