DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12: DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

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Dynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina Bonita

Dynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina Bonita

Name: Jolina Bonita
Measurements: 34-25-40
Website: www.jolinabonita.com
ModelMayhem: www.modelmayhem.com/582509
Myspace: www.jolina.co.uk
Ethnicity: Latina

Dynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina BonitaDynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina Bonita

Dynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina Bonita

How did you get from Argentina to Brazil to now being in the UK?

Argentina and Brasil are home, that’s where my roots are from. I got to the UK thanks to my grades at school, which gave me the opportunity to get an international scholarship. After finishing my higher education, I continued working in a graphic design and management field in a modeling and music industry.

What motivated you to get started in modeling?

Im a qualified photographer so I work a lot with a lot of models and people from the industry. People kept on telling me to stop hiding myself behind the camera and thats how it all started.

What do you think seperates you as a model?

I’m very determined and I know what the photographer needs from me to get that perfect shot. Also I am the first Latin Model in the UK, so I’m proud to open the doors for other ethnic models.

Dynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina Bonita

What are the best and worst things about being in front of the camera?

I like to be in front of the camera because it gets me in the zone. It’s almost like acting… you can be whoever you want to be. People wouldn’t believe if I said I’m a shy person. And the worst thing is that its not that glamorous how it seems, its a very hard, competitive and short term job.

Tell us about some of the projects you’ve had a chance to be apart of…

I was a dancer for Shaggy at the English Awards, my pictures been blown up to crazy scales in galleries of Paris and Los Angles. Working with clothing companies as Iceberg, Ed Hardy Insa and many more. I been in about 7 music videos in the UK. MTV advert for European Music Awards. And the face of the biggest reggaeton event in the UK called Lokura.

What part of your body are you most complimented on?

I guess is my lips and my booty.

Dynasty Series Spotlight: Jolina Bonita

What part do I need to compliment you on to have a chance?

My personality hahaha.

Give us the easiest thing a guy can do to make a good impression…

Be a gentleman.

Let’s say I see you out and I know “this may be my chance”…what can I do not to f’ it all up?

Just be yourself, don’t try to act like someone that your not too impress me. I like simple things.

What are some of the thing we’ll be seeing you incoming soon?

You will be seing me in the new issue of Dimepiece Magazine. European Playboy wants to work with me but I dont think im ready yet to show all my goodies. Also from 2009 I will be hitting American Magazines, there is a lot of work for me organized out there.

And most importantly, when are you planning on coming to the States?!? You know we need to get you in front of a camera?

As I said I will be there this new coming year, and im gonna be the one bringing different flavour to the table.So get ready!

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12: DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

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