Fernanda Cardoso is that blonde machine every man wishes they’d meet on the street sometime. With her 92-cm-hips, 66-cm-waist, and 90-cm-bust, this babe arrives in Bella Club for our joy. This babe’s unique personality is amazing. She has revealed that goes from one extreme to another really quickly, but returns to her center just as fast. Even though she considers herself a shy person, Fernanda enjoys when she can have an interesting conversation with people. Born in the extreme South of Brazil, where she won a beauty contest and was crowned as the town’s Miss, she currently lives in Florianopolis. When asked about the secret for such beauty, she reveals: “When we think of beauty, we tend to imagine it body-wise, so we think about aesthetic procedures, dieting, measurements and other resources of such. It all has its values, but I guess the most important is the way you feel about yourself. That’s where the secret of real beauty is. There’s no point in looking after yourself on the outside, if the inside is messed up, if you don’t respect or like yourself the way you are.” At the end of our conversation, we asked Fernanda how it was photographing to Bella Club, to which she replied: “It was awesome! The team is wonderful, and has left me super comfortable. I was feeling a bit shy in the beginning, but when I realized, I was already feeling great, and things went really well. It had been a long time since I’d felt so well, free from society’s submission. I was in sync with my body and soul, a unique feeling every woman should feel at least once.” We bet you’re curious to see how this photo shoot.
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