DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12: DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

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Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Black Lingerie #24

Ok rookie, what was it like shooting with SHOW for the first time?
At first I thought it was going to be a breeze. I had packed days before so I thought was fully prepared. I was so wrong! I messed up. I did not pack enough accessories or shoes. Sean got in my ass about that at the shoot! I felt about 10 centimeters tall. LOL!! We ended up Reshooting and I brought my completed outfits & looks. Moral of the story, Ladies bring lots of shoes & lots of accessories.

Do you consider yourself to be an exhibitionist or an ecdysiast?
Honestly I am both. Im extremely comfortable and confident with my body. Ive danced for years and I have never had a problem with nudity or sex. In fact, I love these hot Texas summers because I can be in a bikini (especially my clear string collection) most if the time.

What are your best qualities?
I love to Shut up and observe people. You learn so much more that way. I have been told that I am a great listener and I can give honest advice if asked. I also have an amazing ability to keep secrets and I know when to mind my own business.

What are your worst qualities?
These can be attributed to my Star sign: Cancer. My mood swings & hot temper. I also am very easily irritated if I am experiencing a high amount of stress.

Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Black Lingerie #24

Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Black Lingerie #24

Tanya Renee @exotictanya in SHOW Magazine Black Lingerie #24

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12: DynastySeries™ Presents Volume 12

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